Importance of cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a set of preventive actions to prevent cyber attacks on devices. With this, it assists information security (which has a more strategic bias), operationalizing technical development actions to mitigate failures.
With the emergence of IoTs and the constant evolution of technological devices involved in people's daily lives , cyber security is essential for companies to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their information .
But it is inevitable to remember that, in personal life, cybersecurity also plays an important role.
Educating people about the precautions needed to prevent an attack can protect adults and children from dangerous and scary situations.
Top cybersecurity threats
Cybersecurity prevents cyber attacks. The most common types, for example to clarify understanding, are:
The virus is a program that, when executed, is able to infect all computers connected on the same network, stealing data, corrupting files and sending spam to e-mail contacts (amplifying the attack), or even controlling the computer completely. .
Older, worms arrive as attachments to an email. Unlike the virus, it does not need any user action (except opening the email).
Have you ever entered a suspicious website and skipped several commercial ads on the screen? Or, before you start that pirated movie, do you open a screen asking you to install a program to allow the movie to play?
A Dell SonicWall Technical Support Engineer provides security and data protection solutions to networks of clients and end users. The individuals research solutions and escalate difficult issues to senior engineers.
Caution! This is a cyber attack called adware, that is, the malware “disguises itself” as advertising to seek your click. So, he acts.
Ransomware is a data hijacker. It breaks into the system, steals data and asks for a value (in cryptocurrencies) as a ransom.
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