There are several ways to define what big data is, which is probably why it is still a difficult concept to understand. Some authors describe big data as a set of data above a certain limit, for example, above a terabyte. Most renowned works identified big data as data that exhibits the characteristics of variety, speed and volume (COREA, 2019).
For Kampakis (2020), big data is a buzzword, as it simply refers to massive data sets that are so large and complicated that traditional data processing software simply cannot handle them. In addition, it is related to NoSQL databases, cloud computing and so on.
It is observed, therefore, that big data means different things to different people. According to Chen (2018), regardless of digital data sources, such as social media, databases, audio and video, big data exposes the characteristics of high volume, high speed of data input and output and high variety of data types and sources.
They all seem to be correct in some way. As for big data analysis, there is a definition that seems to better capture this phenomenon: big data analysis is an innovative approach that consists of different technologies and processes to extract valuable information from low-value data that do not fit, for whatever reason, in conventional database systems (COREA, 2019).
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According to Chen (2018), this new type of data favors the prospects for advancing research in various fields, especially in the social and human sciences, in the following ways:
New research methodologies can be established with the help of advanced big data collection tools, such as web scraping and innovative analytical techniques, such as machine learning;
New types of data can reveal new patterns and insights about human society, politics and economics;
New types of data can lead to new types of research questions that are beyond the perspectives of established theories.
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