Protect you against DDoS attacks

The workforce is no longer confined to the traditional office environment as remote solutions and cloud usage are gaining ground, however, digital transformation has changed the way companies operate. To mitigate cybersecurity risks, monitoring and survellance on staff access to web assets are required.

what happens during a ddos attack?

The Zero Trust enables you to protect and get the maximum visibility of user accesses and activities in order to see who and how access data on your web applications located on your servers or in the cloud. This kind of protection consists in prevent, detect and respond to external and response of external and internal threats through a several security layers.

Security features such as 2FA, WAF, Authentication, Authorization are integrated in a multilayer architecture of the Zero Trust solution.

Each layer contains multiple modules and challenges that can be enabled and configured to obtain greater protection.

So, that concludes our complete guide to DDoS attacks. By now, you should be fully aware of just how dangerous they can be if you leave your systems vulnerable to attack, and exactly what you need to do to keep the cybercriminals at bay. As we have covered throughout our guide, there are numerous ways you can do exactly that. DDoS attacks occur daily, we recommend you visit the real-time map of DDoS attacks to see how often they happen.


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