Is Your Company Protected From a DDoS Attack?

The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack staged by the Mirai botnet in the fall of 2016 is legendary for its scale and reach. Hackers managed to weaponize thousands of unsecured IoT devices. The botnet was then used to flood the internet with traffic, crippling large businesses all over the world, including Dyn, a company that hosts domain name systems (DNS) for major websites.

When reporting on a more recent DDoS attack, Dark Reading noted that these attacks are becoming more difficult to fight because they are growing in speed and intensity and use multiple source addresses and ports.

Your company may feel it is doing enough to protect itself against a DDoS attack, but is it?

Even if you are using a firewall with an intrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS), you still may not be doing enough to stop a DDoS attack. Fighting a DDoS attack with a firewall may actually make your organization more vulnerable or disrupt your business further.

The Downside to Firewalls
downsides-to-firewallsFirewalls may seem to be an ideal defense against DDoS attacks. After all, firewalls are designed to keep suspicious network traffic from breaching the perimeter of company systems. The firewall filters incoming packets of information, checking to see if they meet specific criteria before allowing them through. However, when confronted with excessive traffic, the firewall may slow the transmission process down even further, leading to disruptive downtime.

Firewalls may even serve as entry points for DDoS attacks. The firewall ports that are intended to allow authorized traffic to enter may enable DDoS traffic to slip through.


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